How to Change contexts

Most of the time when you are testing an app, you will find that there is a specific page in app which is a Webview and your normal code is not working. So in those situations we need to change the application context to "WEBVIEW" or "NATIVE" accordingly. Below is a code snippet will do the same and change the context to Webview.

public static void changeDriverContextToWeb(AppiumDriver driver) {
        Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
        for (String contextName : contextNames) {
            if (contextName.contains("WEBVIEW"))

A similar code can be used with Native as parameter to change the context to Native app.

public static void changeDriverContextToNative(AppiumDriver driver) {
    Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
    for (String contextName : contextNames) {
        if (contextName.contains("NATIVE"))

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