About the Book
Appium is an Open Source tool for testing native or hybrid mobile apps. It uses WebDriver JSON Wire protocol to drive both iOS and Android apps.
Why ?
There is a decent documentation on the Appium site but somewhere it lacked to produce a step by step guide, which would help you get rolling from scratch. There are bits and pieces which are fairly technical in nature and dev centric.
This book is an effort in the direction of consolidating all the knowledge and resources around appium. It will help software developers and testers successfully use Appium to automate the Android application.
This book will take you through the journey of understanding appium. It would also help you understand how the different pieces come together to build a test automation framework for Android App testing.
Book also contains lot of code snippets which will help you in your daily automation stuff to get you started with Appium and Java.
What I will learn from this book ?
By the end of this book, you would be knowing
How to install and set up Appium
How to configure device or Emulator via Desired Capabilities
How to write your first appium test in Java
How to find locators using UIAutomatorViewer and Appium Inspector
How to debug hybrid android app via Chrome browser
How to execute appium test on real Android devices
How to automate gestures like tap, touch etc...
How to run multiple appium server for parallel execution
How to run appium test on GenyMotion Emulator
This is a java project which has been created using IntelliJ IDea Community Edition/Eclipse Photon. POM File manages the dependency of Selenium. Project is using TestNG annotation. We have also bundled the respective android mobile application under the apps folder for ease.
Last updated
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