Pre-requisites for Appium Verification
Appium is an open source test automation tool for mobile applications. It allows you to test all the three types of mobile applications: native, hybrid and mobile web.
You must have Java jdk, Android SDK and gradle installed in the folders. Please, perform the checks as in your computer:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.X.X_XX\
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-X.X\
Set up three new system variable (Control Panel\System and Security\System Advance system ->settings->environment variables-system variables). Do not forget to change java and gradle versions.
JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.X.X_XX
ANDROID_HOME C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
GRADLE_HOME C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-X.X\
Add the following paths to system paths (Control Panel\System and Security\System Advance system ->settings->environment variables-system variables):
Close and open once again your Dos application (Cmd terminal, etc.). You might want to REBOOT your computer, to make sure, that the system sees the variables. If you do not want to reboot, you can use the advice of @wordsforthewise
Check if Android SDK and gradle work properly with the terminal commands
$ java -version
$ android list target
$ gradle -v
Last updated
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