4.1 Basics

ExtentAPI can produce an interactive report, real-time reports with slf4j and also email reports which can be mailed right after your unit test executes.

Initializing Report

To initialize the report, you must create an instance of ExtentReports. It is possible to initialize in the following different ways:

var extent = ExtentReports(string filePath)

var extent = ExtentReports(string filePath, bool replaceExisting)

var extent = ExtentReports(string filePath, DisplayOrder displayOrder)

var extent = ExtentReports(string filePath, DisplayOrder displayOrder, bool replaceExisting)

filePath - path of the file, in .htm or .html format

replaceExisting - Setting to overwrite (TRUE) the existing file or append to it

True (default): the file will be replaced with brand new markup, and all existing data will be lost. Use this option to create a brand new report

False: existing data will remain, new tests will be appended to the existing report. If the the supplied path does not exist, a new file will be created.


OLDEST_FIRST (default) - oldest test at the top, newest at the end

NEWEST_FIRST - newest test at the top, oldest at the end

Writing to Report

Once your session is complete and you are ready to write all logs to the report, simply call the flush() method.

// writing everything to document


It is recommended to call flush only once at the end of your session because calling it multiple times will reduce the performance as the log file will be written/updated multiple times.

Appending to an Existing Report

To append to a report you had previously created, simply mark replaceExisting = false and new tests will be appended to the same report.

ExtentReports extent = new ExtentReports(file-path, false);

Starting and Ending Tests

To start tests, a new instance of ExtentTest must be created. To end, simply call endTest(testInstance).

// new instance

var extent = new ExtentReports(file-path);

// starting test

var test = extent.StartTest("Test Name", "Sample description");

// step log

test.Log(LogStatus.PASS, "Step details");

// ending test


// writing everything to document


Creating Step Logs

There are 2 ways logs can be created: one that creates 3 columns and other that creates 4. Always use only 1 type of log for the test otherwise the table will become malformed.

// creates 3 columns in table: TimeStamp, Status, Details

Log(LogStatus, Details);

Log(LogStatus, Exception);

// creates 4 columns in table: TimeStamp, Status, StepName, Details

Log(LogStatus, StepName, Details);

Log(LogStatus, StepName, Exception);

Getting Current RunStatus of Test

Assign Test Categories

You can assign categories to tests using AssignCategory(String... params) method:


test.AssignCategory("Regression", "ExtentAPI");

test.AssignCategory("Regression", "ExtentAPI", "category-3", "cagegory-4", ..);

Assign the author of the test (similar to AssignCategory above):


test.AssignAuthor("Anshoo", "Viren");

Adding Child Tests

To add a test node as a child of another test, use the appendChild method.

var parent = extent.StartTest("Parent");

var child1 = extent.StartTest("Child 1");

child1.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Info");

var child2 = extent.StartTest("Child 2");

child2.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Pass");

parent .AppendChild(child1) .AppendChild(child2);


Inserting custom HTML

Simply insert any custom HTML in the logs by using an HTML tag:

extent.Log(LogStatus.Info, "HTML", "Usage: BOLD TEXT");

Insert Snapshots

To add a screen-shot, simply call addScreenCapture. This method returns the HTML with tag which can be used anywhere in the log details. Calling addScreenCapture will also add the image to the ImageCollectionView from where you can see all images used by your tests.

test.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Snapshot below: " + test.addScreenCapture("screenshot-path"));

Relative paths starting with . and / are supported. If you using an absolute path, file:/// will be automatically be appended for the image to load.

Adding System Info

It is possible to add system or environment info for your using using the AddSystemInfo method.

extent.addSystemInfo("Selenium Version", "2.46");

extent.addSystemInfo("Environment", "Prod");

Clear all resources

Call close() at the very end of your session to clear all resources. If any of your test ended abruptly causing any side-affects (not all logs sent to ExtentReports, information missing), this method will ensure that the test is still appended to the report with a warning message.

You should call close() only once, at the very end (in @AfterSuite for example) as it closes the underlying stream. Once this method is called, calling any Extent method will throw an error.

Internally, this method does everything that flush() does by writing to the text file. Here are a few differences between close and flush::

  • If you fail to end any of your tests safely (by calling endTest), close will still show them in the report with a warning sign. Calling Flush will only write tests to the report once they are ended

  • Close does not write SystemInfo to the report (flush does)

  • You can call flush any number of times for a report session but close only once, because:

  • Close closes the underlying stream and destroys the source references so no other Extent commands can be used


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