
Latest Report to improve Software Delivery and Operational Performance

According to the State of DevOps 2019, best practice use of version control is one of the foundations for improving Software Delivery and Operational (SDO) Performance. In this first part of a three part guide, you'll be working with Git and Azure DevOps to setup a repository which you'll use for source control. Source control, also known as version control, has many benefits, each of these benefits come together to create a feedback loop to a team working on the code under version control. These benefits include:

  • Collaboration - teams can work concurrently, even on the same sections of code, which are merged together.

  • Workflows - teams check the quality of each others code, ensuring compliance with coding standards.

  • Versioning - source code can be tagged so that released versions of code can be referred back to,

  • History - a full history of the code repository is maintained and linked to a users credentials. If changes are well commented, this can assist in issue resolution.

  • Automation - actions within a version control system, such as checking in a code change, can be set to trigger other operatons, such as compilation and testing.

Once you've worked your way through part one of this guide you'll be able to work with Git, a distributed version control system. You'll setup a code repository as part of a project in Azure DevOps, and a single repository in GitHub, enabling you to work with remote version control in the cloud. You'll be able to initialise both repositories, create copies of them locally and make changes to the files within those repositories locally. Once your changes are complete you'll be able to push those changes back to the Azure DevOps or GitHub repository, using the processes that will enable you to collaborate with a team.

Last updated